was even more exciting than i thought!
Last week i opened my mail box to find an unusual package from someone i didn't know. For a second, i was perplexed ("i didn't order anything from that province...") and then it dawned on me: "my ornament, my ornament!!!"
Mat looked at me like i was nuts, but i quickly recapped it for him: "remember i told you about how i was participating in that bloggy ornament exchange?? Well, i think this is IT!!"
I couldn't tear open the package fast enough.
And look how cute the two ornaments are that were inside!
Cute, sweet puppy. Emma over at read on my blog that i have 2 Westies, and although she couldn't find a Westie ornament, she found this really sweet sleeping puppy. He is so cute, and I've named him Farley.
This adorable snowman handmade by one of her daughter's fellow pathfinders (i was a pathfinder!) Aaaannd, all proceeds go to the SPCA. So great!
Emma: if he doesn't look exactly the same as when he left your place, it's because he had a bit of a rough travel over to Ottawa and i helped him get back together as best as i could.
The two ornaments together on the tree :)
And a few more pictures for good measure:
Christmas tree and decorated mantle
Nutcracker from my work gift exchange...he's perfect for the mantle.
Close up of Mr. Nutcraker
Sweet Santa that i've had since i was about 3. He winds up and moves his head to the music
Thanks again Emma for the lovely ornaments. They are perfect for me :)
And, thank you Julie, for putting this on. Can't wait for next year!
Merry Christmas everyone!!